Friday, January 10, 2014


Hello, my name is Ji Hyeon Kim, And I'd introduce myself three things now.

1. Drawing

2. Animals

3. Lauren

First, my hobby is to draw pictures, also painting.
Drawing makes me relax. That's why I like drawing and painting.
When I saw a White paper of sketch book, want to draw something on it.
When I was young, I wanted to be a artist.

Also  I like animals too. I like not only cats or rabbits, but also snakes or spiders.
I think I am not afraid of these animals because of my brother.
He likes animals.

Lastly, my English name is Lauren. When I learn Alphabet, my teacher gave that name to me. I liked "Lauren". so I'm using that name, untill now.

Thank you for read :)

1 comment:

  1. I am a fine arts major, so it's a joyful news for me that you love to draw and paint! I did not even think about majoring in fine arts because not many students in KMLA do so. However, after I found out that I never get bored when I draw, I could finally choose my major. So I agree with you that drawing makes me feel relaxed.
    Next time, your blog would look better if you write a bit more. I like your posting as it is, but writing more would raise chances to be chosen as a best blogger.
